Согласно утверждениям ученых-курдоведов, на протяжении своей истории курдский язык неоднократно подвергался изменениям. Соответственно некоторым источникам, протославянский говор сменился картвельским, а затем индоевропейским....
KURDBЫYA BК ZIMAN JО WEKО ОSKELETA BК GO,ST E by Nedret Bilici Зendekо berк, ez li mкvandarоya зend nas ы dosten xwe...
KURDBЫYA BК ZIMAN JО WEKО ОSKELETA BК GO,ST E by Nedret Bilici Зendekо berк, ez li mкvandarоya зend nas ы dosten xwe...
SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE: The simple future tense is used to express an action that has still to take place. It is also...
SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE: The simple future tense is used to express an action that has still to take place. It is also...
SIMPLE PAST TENSE: The simple past tense is used: (1) To indicate an action completed in tha past I did not sleep...
SIMPLE PAST TENSE: The simple past tense is used: (1) To indicate an action completed in tha past I did not sleep...
TENSE OF THE VERB: There are three main Tenses of the verb: the Present, the Past, the Future; as, I eat the...
TENSE OF THE VERB: There are three main Tenses of the verb: the Present, the Past, the Future; as, I eat the...
THE VERB: * Transitive And Intransitive Verbs: A Transitive verb is a verb that denotes an action which passes over from the...
THE VERB: * Transitive And Intransitive Verbs: A Transitive verb is a verb that denotes an action which passes over from the...
THE PRONOUNS ————- ————- PERSONAL PRONOUNS: There are two forms of Personal Pronouns. * Unpossesive Forms:
THE PRONOUNS ————- ————- PERSONAL PRONOUNS: There are two forms of Personal Pronouns. * Unpossesive Forms:
THE ADJECTIVE: Attributive Adj. is used with along with the noun as an epithet or attribute. —The lazy boy was punished :...
THE ADJECTIVE: Attributive Adj. is used with along with the noun as an epithet or attribute. —The lazy boy was punished :...
THE NOUN: A proper noun: Muhammad: Heme, Memed Smith: Smi^t, Smi^s Kurdistan: Kurdistan Common noun:
THE NOUN: A proper noun: Muhammad: Heme, Memed Smith: Smi^t, Smi^s Kurdistan: Kurdistan Common noun:
—-The Sentence: —————— There are four kinds of sentences in Kurmanji: 1-Declarative or Assertive Sentence: is a sentence that makes a statement...
—-The Sentence: —————— There are four kinds of sentences in Kurmanji: 1-Declarative or Assertive Sentence: is a sentence that makes a statement...